Victim or Victor?

I can almost hear the evil counsel. Leader:  “How can we keep the humans down? Some of them are making better lives for themselves.  This must stop!” Minion 1:  “I know!  Let’s keep telling them that they are powerless to change their outcomes.  We can keep them hopeless.” Minion 2:  “Right!  And make sure that…

Safe and Secure

When we were new to Indonesia and learning the language, our beloved house helper would enter our home in the morning with a demure smile and the greeting, “Selamat Pagi!”.  Although we might have been a bit groggy or perhaps grouchy(!), she always brought a smile to our faces, too.   We soon realized that “To…

50th Year Advice

As a child, I heard an old proverb repeated often in the Pennsylvania Dutch area I grew up in.  “We grow too soon old and too late wise.”  Now as an older adult I know this is true.  I sure wish I had done things differently in my younger years, especially in my marriage.  By…

Comfort in Uncertainty

  We all want to hear that things are going to be alright.  We’re riveted by stories coming out of Ukraine as we watch the David and Goliath battle.  The dark threat of world war shadows the horizon as world powers take sides.  Shuddering at the impact this could have, we just want our own…

Like a Rock

Numb.  Do you ever just feel numb?  Lately, there has been an abundance of bad news in our family.  It seems like every day there is one more bad surprise.  Some days I just can’t process it all.  I escape into numbness.  This is a normal response to pain.  We protect ourselves by walling off…

Where to Run

Were you ever ‘blown out of the water’ by unwelcome news?  Blindsided by something unexpected?  Where do you turn in the moments and days following when your brain works overtime conjuring “what if”s?  When your last thought before sleep and first thought upon awakening is sad and fearful how do you redirect?  When you feel…