
For the past several weeks, a dear young friend’s husband has been in grueling training for a public service career. The military-like program has taken him near the breaking point physically and psychologically. A few days ago she relayed a phone conversation she had been able to have with him after a particularly exhausting day….

Not On Our Own

I grew up near a community of folks who were known for what they didn’t do.  They didn’t have cars, electricity, machines, or pretty clothes.  They didn’t drink or smoke.  They didn’t mingle with outsiders.  Every aspect of their lives had to conform to strict rules. The up side was that they were a close-knit…

My Shield

Last week I needed to serve a client in a complex I was unfamiliar with and felt intimidated by.  I was also a bit nervous because my back was giving me trouble and I wondered if I would find a place to park close to the building so I could more easily carry in all my gear. …