Victim or Victor?

I can almost hear the evil counsel. Leader:  “How can we keep the humans down? Some of them are making better lives for themselves.  This must stop!” Minion 1:  “I know!  Let’s keep telling them that they are powerless to change their outcomes.  We can keep them hopeless.” Minion 2:  “Right!  And make sure that…

50th Year Advice

As a child, I heard an old proverb repeated often in the Pennsylvania Dutch area I grew up in.  “We grow too soon old and too late wise.”  Now as an older adult I know this is true.  I sure wish I had done things differently in my younger years, especially in my marriage.  By…


A few days ago we attended a talk by an American who has lived with his family in a third-world country for the past 13 years.  He remarked that if they had allowed it, the corruption, theft, and poverty there would have torn them down.  But they had an anecdote.  I thought about all the…

You Hold Me

Husband and I felt like we were just coming out into the light after a dark year of watching our daughter’s heart-wrenching battle with cancer.  She’s doing well now in spite of the after-effects of treatment.  But just at the time when our daughter was doing better, we got the news that our close friend…


    I remember a day many years ago when our not-easily-moved-to tears teenage daughter was crying.  We hated to see her in emotional pain after breaking up with her boyfriend.  We were sad that she was sad, but we also were experiencing other emotions simultaneously – relief and hope.  We sympathized, but we felt…