Reverie Resend

If you have trouble accessing the blog, please don’t give up.  Some devices may show a screen that says, “Can’t connect to server”.  This might be because you tried to access it previously during the period when there was a problem.  It’s fixed now but the blog may be in your history/cache from that time. …

Ice, a Sparrow, and an Old Lady

On Friday we had an ice storm that reshaped our days following.  Our electricity went out Friday evening due to thousands of fallen trees across power lines.  Not just our area, but a large swath of towns and cities across the metro and rural areas of our county and the next were affected.  As you…

Angel Help

Today we returned home from a week-long trip to visit one of our dear daughters a long distance away. An added benefit to our visits with our daughter and her husband and four children is that we spend nights with lifelong friends who live in our daughter’s vicinity. As we were sitting at their table in their…

I Accept

“I don’t like it.  I’m sad.  But I accept this.”  At first, I had to say it out loud every time I thought about how much I missed my kitty.  I said it out loud to help re-train my negative thoughts.  So many times in the routine of my day, I’d miss Kitty Mack.  The…

Ugly Angels

  Another episode in our home construction saga. The west wall of our house was ready to be stood up, but two men just couldn’t do it.  The framing and the sheeting on a 22-foot wall add up to one heavy lift.  How about using the little excavator to pull it up?  Get the machine…