What Should I Do?

This week I got decision fatigue.  Every time I turned around there was a business decision to make.  (Mind you, I only have a small, home-based business). Some of my readers find it easier to make decisions than I do.  I over-think, over-research, waffle, make a decision, second guess it, waffle, give up.  I can’t…

10 Ways to Guard Your Marriage

  Husband and I hit a small bump in the road this week.  Thankfully, I’ve learned to set some firm boundaries.  I had to enforce my boundary, but I did it with a minimum of anger and he was willing to apologize.  It was the first rough spot in a very long time, but it…

So Don’t Be Afraid

Have you ever come up against a wall?  You’ve done everything you could think of to solve the problem, but nothing has actually resolved it.  You’re stymied.  It might be a health issue, a relational issue, or a financial issue.  That’s what happened to me this week.  After eight months of trying this and that,…

Stepping Up

When I was about five years old my mother and I moved in with my recently widowed grandmother.  About two years later my mother was able to afford her own apartment.  After that, I stayed with my grandmother after school and during the Summers while my mother worked long hours.  My grandmother was in her…


Happy 48th wedding anniversary to us!  Those two young people in the framed photo are us once upon a time and that is our engagement picture.  I’m ashamed to say that I’ve lost our wedding photos.  Somewhere in our 28 moves the sweet snapshots my cousin took of our simple wedding disappeared.  But photos or…


Every day we’re reminded how broken and sad our world is.  It creeps into our hearts and weighs us down.  And woe to those already in pain physically or emotionally, for now we’re reminded that the whole world is hurting.  Today more than ever we need the comfort of the Scriptures which have offered hope…