Yesterday there was a technical issue with my blog. Many were unable to view it so I’m resending it in hopes everyone will be able to view it today. Thanks for being patient while we worked on the problem! Tears of joy are trickling. Answers to prayers are rolling in from a kind Father. I…
Tears of joy are trickling. Answers to prayers are rolling in from a kind Father. I can feel the Lord laughing with us. He delights in answering his children when they call. And it pleases him when we give him the credit for these good things. Just finished talking to a close relative on the…
Prayer Peppered with Praise
When you’re feeling sad or discouraged what do you do? 1. Eat chocolate 2. Go online 3. Go shopping 4. Go for a walk 5. Talk to a friend 6. Clean 7. Keep trying to do the task at hand, but get nowhere 8. Pray 9. …
Remembering and Rising
On Monday a dear friend texted us. Well, actually, he dictated to his wife who texted us. He told us that he had been in a car accident the week prior and was paralyzed from the neck down. He asked us to pray for him. We were shocked and heartbroken. Dear Husband texted back and…
On Your Side
I inwardly cringed when I submitted a difficult assignment recently. My reviewers had seemed harsh lately, glossing over the things I’d done right and hitting hard on what I did wrong while requiring me to start my project all over multiple times with flippancy. I was discouraged and dreaded the next review. But this reviewer…
Workin’ Hard
We had a wonderful family birthday celebration for our three August birthdays. The weather was perfect so we sat on our patio and ate and talked and laughed and ate. The grandchildren got along with each other and the puppy. Our kids gave us very thoughtful gifts. So what could possibly be wrong? The trash…