A friend of ours had an unsettled and difficult childhood. She only ever got one Christmas gift from her father, a cherished doll that was later lost in one of many moves after her parents separated. Her mother lived with one man after another, moving often. Yet our friend who had so little as a…
Preparing Our Hearts for Thanksgiving
I challenge you to use this trigger for being thankful. Every time you encounter the word Thanksgiving over the next three weeks stop for 5 seconds and thank God for one thing – especially when the word Thanksgiving triggers anxious thoughts instead of thankful thoughts. For example, you just read the word Thanksgiving and realized…
“We see you!” One of our daughters and her husband decided to start attending church. Bam! Her husband was immediately scheduled to work for the next three Sundays even tho he was hired with the understanding that he wouldn’t work Sundays. Her comment was, “We see you.” Meaning they were aware of the devil’s…
When we were serving in a remote area of the world, dear Husband spent some time with a veteran missionary who told him stories of his life. Many years ago, when this missionary first came to the interior of our island, he had a dilemma. The tribes he had contact with had no written language. …
Reverie Resend
If you have trouble accessing the blog, please don’t give up. Some devices may show a screen that says, “Can’t connect to server”. This might be because you tried to access it previously during the period when there was a problem. It’s fixed now but the blog may be in your history/cache from that time. …
Test Send
I’m working on trouble-shooting Grandma Grace emails going to SPAM. Just let me know if you got this in your inbox, please.