I can almost hear the evil counsel. Leader: “How can we keep the humans down? Some of them are making better lives for themselves. This must stop!” Minion 1: “I know! Let’s keep telling them that they are powerless to change their outcomes. We can keep them hopeless.” Minion 2: “Right! And make sure that…
When Affirming Isn’t Loving
There she sat, my close friend and neighbor who happened to be a self-proclaimed atheist. She was going on about supporting her grandson in his dissatisfaction with his God-given body. She was encouraging him to permanently alter his healthy body in favor of a lifetime of untested drugs and surgeries. I was shocked and heartsick. …
During this Lent season, it’s especially comforting to meditate on what God is like and how he feels about us. We can direct our thoughts to our kind, unchanging God even when our emotions are fluctuating. Some days it’s easy to feel discouraged. But God is always patient and never forsakes us. Instead of dwelling on…
Choose Your Hard
Raised by a princess as the adopted grandson of the king of the most powerful nation in the world at the time, he had privilege, power, and possessions. From childhood, he was well-educated and groomed to be the next ruler. He possibly reigned for nine years as co-regent* with his grandfather until he threw it…
New Hope
Many of us have heard about the revival that broke out at Asbury College in Kentucky. It started with a normal chapel service but the worship music spontaneously kept going with others joining until the town couldn’t hold the visitors. Worship, prayer, and confession overflowed. Young people with hearts for lifting God up and getting…