Summer Suggestions

Ah, Summer. . . time to relax.  Or so they say.  If you’re a mother of littles, you smile faintly when you hear this phrase and murmur to no one in particular, “Someday”.  Or perhaps you’re like me, even after all the children are grown and gone, you have never gotten the hang of relaxing. …

Your Beautiful Bouquet

I feel like a giddy child who just received an unexpected gift from a favorite aunt!  I’ll pass it along to you if you love flowers, and you’ll be as thrilled as me.  Years ago I tore out a page from a magazine now long forgotten.  In an organizing mood about a year ago, I…


I once heard the story of a woman who was told she was being taken to a lovely hotel room where she would enjoy many luxuries and a grand view.  When the door swung open there was a tiny room with worn furniture, a small window looking into a back alley,  a meager breakfast of…


A famous designer once said that he knew he was finished with a room when he couldn’t remove one more thing from the room and still have it look complete. You and I are editors.  We edit the contents of each room we live in.  I feel peaceful when my rooms are uncluttered, so I…

A Broken Drawer and a Cross Country Move

“I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope.”  Jeremiah 29:11 “This broken drawer makes me soo mad!  Grrrrr.” That moment of frustration set in motion a series of events that catapulted me toward one of…

Birds Welcome Here

One of the delights of Spring is birds.  What cheers the heart more than birds?  Their antics distract us from our daily grind and refresh our weary minds.  This week I noticed an especially busy robin in the yard.  Strangely, he looked like he had a handlebar mustache!  A second look disclosed why.  He was…