“I don’t like it. I’m sad. But I accept this.” At first, I had to say it out loud every time I thought about how much I missed my kitty. I said it out loud to help re-train my negative thoughts. So many times in the routine of my day, I’d miss Kitty Mack. The…
Author: Grandma Grace
How to Preserve Family Snapshots
I have priceless valuables. I’m actually rich, but my wealth is hidden away. I guess it isn’t hidden in a very safe place, either. In fact, in the quiet of the night, my treasures haunt me. How can I keep them safe? How can I pass them down to our children? You might be asking,…
How to Preserve Family Stories
Minutia bores me. That’s my excuse for not finding out more about Husband’s family. When we’re visiting with my in-laws, every time ‘old times’ comes up, the conversation deteriorates into lists of names and places that mean nothing to me. I just don’t care who sixty years ago bought Mr. So and So’s place down…
Hi, there!
Meaningful conversations don’t just happen. Everyone’s default is to chat about superficial things. It’s much easier to yak about the weather than it is to open your heart in honest sharing. Not every conversation needs to be heart to heart, of course. But every conversation should be uplifting, encouraging, and truthful. Talking to new acquaintances…