Little Things

Dear Husband has been waiting patiently for the Fall rains to start so he can sow grass seed on spots in our lawn where the grass was destroyed by small rodents called voles.  He has already carefully filled their holes with dirt, bought the grass seed and now just waits for the rains.  Normally, the…

Our Choice

Dear Readers, This month marks five years since this blog began during which to my knowledge I haven’t missed a week.  But I got to eat some humble pie this week!  You didn’t receive this blog at the normal time because there was a technical glitch in my send-out software.   I simply couldn’t make…


It was a wonderful weekend of savoring family.  We gathered in our daughter’s hometown to celebrate her completion of cancer treatment and her 42nd birthday.  It was a fun mask-erade party.  She has bravely pushed through nine months of radical surgery, intense chemo, and extended radiation. . . all that pain and misery with a…

On Tears and Lessons

“The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.”  Job I know he was only a cat, but he was a happy part of our lives.  When the quarantine was becoming very tedious, a kitten entered our lives.  His antics and sweetness endeared us to him.  As he grew,…

The Mindset of the Rescued

  I can honestly say that I didn’t feel fear during the wildfires in our area several weeks ago.  But when we returned to our little house still intact after our evacuation, I started noticing some symptoms of post-stress.  It felt like the dense, dark smoke that kept us indoors for two weeks had crept…

The Battle

I’ve been putting off completing a big (Big) project for seven months.  I got started at the beginning of the pandemic stay at home order.  But because it didn’t have a deadline, other things pushed it out.  I worked on it in fits and starts.  Several weeks ago, I gathered my small courage and dove…