Safe and Secure

When we were new to Indonesia and learning the language, our beloved house helper would enter our home in the morning with a demure smile and the greeting, “Selamat Pagi!”.  Although we might have been a bit groggy or perhaps grouchy(!), she always brought a smile to our faces, too.   We soon realized that “To…

Just What We Need

Good news  . . . and bad news!  The bad news is that we’ll never find all we need within ourselves.  The good news is that God can’t wait to help us! Who doesn’t want to give and receive more love? We long to experience peace with others and within; have patience with others, ourselves,…

What If?

Of course, I’m not referring to you or me, but we have all seen someone get angry when their expectations weren’t met.  They thought they deserved better than they got.  How dare they be treated like that?!  In their anger, they disconnect and go off to lick their wounds. I’ve been teaching a children’s Bible…

Now That You Mention It

One of husband’s closest friends growing up has continued to be a good friend in the decades since.  He and his wife had five children of their own and also adopted 15 other children who were cast-offs because of physical and mental problems.  Each child was welcomed and well loved.  Husband’s friend is a role…

Not On Our Own

I grew up near a community of folks who were known for what they didn’t do.  They didn’t have cars, electricity, machines, or pretty clothes.  They didn’t drink or smoke.  They didn’t mingle with outsiders.  Every aspect of their lives had to conform to strict rules. The up side was that they were a close-knit…


One of our adult children had a tricky surgery last Thursday.  On the morning of the surgery, while our son and his wife were anxiously waiting for him to be taken into the OR, I opened my phone texts to read the Bible verses for the day.  You see, each morning, dear husband’s brother sends…