Ever feel like you tripped and fell into Fall instead of stepping into it with intention? Guess what? It isn’t too late to pick ourselves up and move forward with a plan!
I got out the tote of my Winter clothes this week. But I didn’t put all of it in my closet. Since we live in a region where it doesn’t get freezing cold for a couple of months, I didn’t get out the heaviest, bulkiest clothing yet. I got out each piece of clothing and decided whether it would flatter me or accentuate the bulges I’m not proud of. Hmmmm. . . Had to pass a number of pieces on to a non-profit. Some were just plain worn out and needed to go. One pair of pants wasn’t even good enough to give to a thrift store. Ha! Halfway thru the process, I decided I’d do my best, but not drive myself nuts trying to decide on every piece. I chose to cut myself some slack. This is something I’m learning to do for myself. This is not a project that has repercussions for world peace. The tops I wasn’t sure about, I put in my closet and told myself that I’d put them on one day at a time and decide whether to give it away or keep. It’s working. And I didn’t wear myself out trying to decide on everything at one time.
I took all the items that were lightweight summer-only, folded them and put them in the tote that my winter things had been in (some heavy things still are in the tote, too.) That freed up hangars and drawer space. I was worried that my closet would get junked up. But I didn’t have many items of winter clothing so it wasn’t so hard to trade them for the outgoing Summer things. (Except for those long-sleeved T-shirts I couldn’t decide on.) I thought of the mantra of the minimalists- “If you add a piece of clothing, you must take one away.” But one thing hit me as I was taking out my Summer things. Because I had so few items, they had been worn and washed a lot of times. They’re looking quite worn. So maybe it’d be better going forward to buy a little more and wear them less frequently so I don’t wear my clothes out in a season or two.
I hit on a trick that everyone but me already knew. I thought of the pieces of clothing that I wear the most because they’re comfortable and fit my lifestyle. I made a mental list of what I actually wear on a day to day basis. I realized that if I only bought pieces that were similar, I’d have useful clothes in my closet. Duh. I think getting honest about my life was key. I admitted that I live a simple life. I work from home. I go to a church in a rural area where most people wear casual clothing. Get-togethers with friends are always casual. I don’t have to wear fancy. I also admitted that I’m old enough to be more concerned with comfort than fashion. Therefore the pants I choose to buy this season have stretch because I sit at my computer way too many hours to be wearing tight pants that give me a stomach ache. Gotta love yoga/exercise pants. Did you know that some sweat shirts are actually pretty?
What always gets me into a Fall mood is decorating our house. Poor Husband hates Fall because it means the beginning of the long months of cold rain and eternally grey skies. He begged me not to change out the pillows to Fall colors. I complied, but I did decorate everything else for Fall! I’m blaming it all on my next door neighbor. She invited me in to see her Fall decorated house last week. Bam. That did it. I had to make my house pretty for Fall, too. It doesn’t take much to give a Fall feeling. These cool grasses came from trimming the new grasses I planted last month. They were straight when I cut them and then they surprised us by doing this curly thing. That stunning wooden bowl was a housewarming gift from a former neighbor who turned that masterpiece in spite of Parkinson’s disease. He’s one of my heroes. Squashes are cheap decorating- you enjoy their beauty and later you eat them! Acorn squash keep for a long time. (The green ones below.)

The weather has been so perfect after a week of rain so I got to work outside. Just makes me happy being out in the sunshine. Funny how I can get so caught up in work indoors that I forget to go outdoors. May I just encourage you to stop what you’re doing and go outside if the weather permits? Soon the weather will be harsh and we’ll long for a few minutes in the sunshine. Amazing what an hour of being outdoors can do for us! Let’s make it a priority. I planted daffodil bulbs for Husband who loves those first harbingers of Spring. Those happy yellow blooms in the midst of gray give us hope for better days coming. And for just a little money, I got two Asters which I planted for me. They are the lovely purple flowers that usher in Fall and give us color until frost. And they remind me of my grandmother’s garden.
I repotted my Swedish Ivy which had been outdoors in a container and brought it indoors. (It’s the one in the bronze pot on our table in the photo.) It has acclimated and seems happy getting window light from an East and South facing window. Another container plant that I’m planning to bring indoors is my sweet potato vine. I’ll re-pot, prune it back to only 6″, and place it close to our biggest South facing window. Instructions here. Speaking of re-potting, I had to re-pot my succulents. Actually, Husband offered to drill holes in the metal containers I had them in so their soil would drain quickly. After returning them to their newly improved containers, I placed them on window sills because the weaker Fall indoor light wasn’t enough to prevent them from stretching and looking very awkward. I cut off the tops and let the cut scab over, then stuck them in the ground after a couple of days. Fingers crossed that they’ll root and thrive in the windows.
What outdoor container plants could you bring indoors? Have you had good luck with your succulents? What bulbs have you planted this Fall?